The City of Murray, Kentucky

Home > Boards & Commissions > Planning Commission

Planning Commission


The Planning Commission was established to promote economic, physical and social welfare of the City and to coordinate the harmonious development of land, buildings and transportation facilities.


Member Position Term Expires
Bobby Deitz County Appointed, 1st Vice Chair 12/19/2028
Camisha Duffy 11/14/2025
Jim Foster 02/12/2027
John Krieb Chair 01/01/2029
David Roberts 2nd Vice Chair 11/12/2028
Chris Scott 01/28/2028
Adam Seiber 01/01/2029


Location: City Hall
Address: 500 Main Street
Date and Time: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4:30 pm

Additional Information:

Agendas and Minutes

The most current agenda will be linked below. Meeting minutes will be posted after they are approved at the following Planning Commission meeting. Check the city event calendar for the next meeting date and time.

Archived Agendas and Minutes

Kentucky Chapter of the American Planning Association Website
American Planning Association Website

Boards & Commissions