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Stormwater System
Stormwater/Drainage Supervisor: James Oakley
james.oakley@murrayky.gov, (270) 762-0350 x4148
Welcome to the Stormwater Utility website. The City of Murray cares about protecting our environment and waterways from pollutants, as well as managing stormwater efficiently. Murray is located in the Clarks River Watershed, which is a portion of the Tennessee River watershed. Stormwater run-off from roofs, parking lots and driveways flows from Murray, east to the Clarks River, then north to the Tennessee River, near Paducah, KY, which flows into the Ohio River and eventually the Mississippi. We live in a watershed diverse area.
In compliance with the KY Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(KPDES) for Small Municipal Separate Stormwater Systems (SMS4) the City
of Murray has completed the permit process and is implementing a
Stormwater Management Plan. In addition to this Stormwater Management
Plan, the City of Murray has established a Stormwater Utility.
Land Disturbance Permit Application
If it's on the ground, it's in your water. For more information go to Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Storm Water website at http://stormwater.ky.gov.
For more information on Construction Site Activity requirements click here.
For more information, download these brochures:
Citizens Guide to Understanding Stormwater
Regulations relating to construction sites
What is a watershed?
For information on Four River Watershed Watch and Volunteer Opportunities, click here.