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Voluntary Disability Information Program

Murray Police Department Launches Voluntary Disability Information Program
The Murray Police Department, in collaboration with the Calloway County Sheriff's Department, has launched a voluntary program designed to assist individuals with disabilities in our community. This program aims to provide crucial information to first responders in an emergency, ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants.

Who Can Participate?
Residents of Murray and Calloway County, of all ages, with disabilities that impair their ability to communicate, including but not limited to being nonverbal, deaf, autistic, Alzheimer's, dementia, or any other disability are encouraged to participate.

What Information Will Be Collected?
Participants will provide information including:

How Will This Information Be Used?
The information will be entered into our Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. This allows first responders to access vital information quickly in an emergency. The data may also be shared with the Calloway County Sheriff's Department or other law enforcement agencies as needed, including when participants are on vacation or require medical care elsewhere.

Annual Updates and Changes
We will reach out annually to update the files to ensure accuracy. Caretakers can update their information by contacting the Murray Police Department or Calloway County Sheriff's Department.

How to Participate
To enroll in the program, if you live in Murray please fill out the registration form here or visit the Murray Police Department to complete it in person. For further details or inquiries, contact the Murray Police Department at 270-753-1621 or the Calloway County Sheriff's Department at 270-753-3151. More information is available on the CCSO website.

Murray Police Department