The City of Murray, Kentucky

Home > Planning & Engineering > Signs


The intent of the sign ordinance is to enhance the beauty of Murray, to protect the public welfare, and to preserve the aesthetic qualities of the City. Please contact the Planning Department before erecting any signage at 270-762-0350 x. 1147.

No sign shall be placed in the public right-of-way.

When is a Sign Permit required? A sign permit is required prior to the installation, relocation, expansion, construction or structural alteration of any sign. The following fees may apply:

The Zoning Ordinances relating to signage can be found under §156.050 of the Zoning Code.

For a sign permit application, click here.

Temporary Signs

Banners, A-frame or T-frame signs, and pole banners are permitted. A $10 permit fee and permit is required.

Other Temporary Signs

Residential and Non-Residential lots are permitted a certain number of temporary signs without a sign permit. Examples of these temporary signs include: Coroplast, Sintra Board, Vinyl, and Corrugated Plastic. These temporary signs shall not violate the prohibited section of the sign regulations. Residential temporary signs shall not exceed 8 square feet. Non-Residential temporary signs shall not exceed 12 square feet. Height restrictions and setbacks apply. See ordinance for further details.

Prohibited Signs

Appeals may be made to the Board of Zoning Adjustments
