Home > Administration
The City of Murray is governed by the Mayor and twelve elected city council members who serve four and two year terms respectively. Council meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. For more information or agendas see the City Council page or call 762-0350.
Departments of the City include: Administration, Finance, Police, Fire, Public Works, and Planning and Engineering. Should you have any questions regarding city services, city property tax information, utilities or any other area of interest, please contact us at 270-762-0350 or email at generalinfo@murrayky.gov
Responses from the Historic Property Owners and Non Property Owners
Department Managers
Mayor: The Honorable Bob Rogers
City Administrator: Jim Osborne
City Clerk: Kim Miles
Director of Human Resources: Scott Adair
Director of Finance: Tammy Roberts
Information Technology Manager: Zachary Warren
Director of Planning & Engineering: Carol Downey
Director of Public Works: Shane Knight
Chief of Police: Samuel Bierds
Fire Chief: Eric Pologruto